Inspire Your Heart With Art Day (January 31st)

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day sounds straightforward enough. Go to a gallery, theatre, cinema, or music venue, and soak up the art. Remember the instruction, though: Inspire Your Heart. Care is needed.
Have you noticed how edgy the arts have been getting lately? It’s not about truth and beauty any more. Artists want to shock you. That’s their new raison d’etre, and while it might thrill and enrage you, it’s not necessarily good for your heart.
So the key to getting the most out of this day is being selective about your art, and choosing something that will inspire your heart rather than expire it. With anything before 1967 you should be on fairly safe ground, but particularly recommended would be Turner (painting), Beethoven (Music) or Shakespeare (The Whole of Human Life). You know what you like of course: Go consume it!
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